Welcome to your Food Club

Upper Claremont


To shop or manage your club, please complete details below.

Not yet signed up?

Contact your Club Host, Cynthia Dold, to get involved!

[email protected]


The current food system can’t be changed – we need to replace it! By buying food as a Food Club, we are participating in what is called a solidarity purchase group – a decentralised way of community buying. As we put our collective food spend together, we are able to buy food at wholesale prices, directly from small local farmers and food makers so that we can ensure that our money goes directly to those people producing the food.

Food Club is by no means a perfect system, but it is a beautiful way to buy food!

1.  First you need to sign up. Contact your host for sign up link or enquire about a Food Club closer you.

2.  Once you have signed up, there is no obligation to shop and you can unsubscribe at any time. I will then add you to my WhatsApp group where I share monthly newsletter and a notification of when the website opens for orders. The website is open for orders once a month.

3.  When orders close, I tally up our orders and place the bulk order with our farmers, food makers and suppliers, who can then harvest or make their food and deliver in time for market day.

4.  Market Day, is the Thursday a week after orders close, with 15 minute collection slots from 12 noon until 6pm.

5.  You are requested to pay within 24 hours of receiving your invoice by EFT. Some of our products are sold by weight, which means that we only know the final price once the items have been delivered. We are working with small, local producers so there are inevitably small errors in availability that crop up from time to time. I only want you to pay for what you take home.

Finally, it takes a couple of months to get into the hang of buying like this. To start with it can be an adjustment to plan ahead for a month, but after a while, things streamline and you look forward to your new way of shopping.

Happy Shopping!

Order dates for 2024

Name Open Close Collections Notes
September '24 September 05 September 11 September 19 (Thu) Next FoodClub is in 5 weeks time!
October '24 October 10 October 15 October 24 (Thu) Next FoodClub is in 4 weeks time!
November '24 November 07 November 12 November 21 (Thu) Next FoodClub is in 3 weeks time!
December '24 November 28 December 03 December 12 (Thu) Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it xxx